July 1, 2011




Saturday, 14th May 2011

CWA Rooms, 48 Market Street, Mudgee

Hosted by: Mudgee Historical Society Inc.

Meeting commenced at 2.05pm


Carcoar Hospital Museum                            Greg & Margaret Hahn
Hartley                                                             Kristie Kearney
Kandos Bicentennial Industrial Museum     Peg Butler, Noel Costello, Marie Ford,
                                                                          Colin Jones, Bob Tomlinson,
                                                                          Ivy Tomlinson.                                              
Millthorpe & District Historical Society      Rosemarie Amos, Hilton Gay,
                                                                          Elaine Kaldy, Trevor Pascoe.
Mudgee Historical Society                             Pauline Bassingthwaighte, John Broadley,    
                                                                          Thelma Meers, Mary Mills.
Orange & District Historical Society           Phil Stevenson, Julie Sykes.
Rylstone & District Historical Society         Sue Carter

  • WELCOME   - The President, Trevor Pascoe welcomed and thanked everyone for attending the Annual Meeting. He also thanked the Mudgee Historical Society for hosting the Social Day. He extended a special thanks to John Broadley for conducting a walking tour of the historic Catholic and Anglican Churches and his power point presentation on the ‘History of Mudgee and its Buildings’.

  • APOLOGIES – Rhonda Jones (Blayney Family History Group), Marie Hammond (Molong Historical Society), Deidre Robinson (Rockley Mill Museum), Pam O’Connor &  Esme Martens (Kandos Bicentennial Museum), Kerry Guerin & Donna Smith (Lithgow Small Arms Museum), Sue Milne, Elizabeth Griffin, Jo Keniry (Orange Historical Society), Samantha Friend (Bathurst Historical Society), Simon Jones (Western Regional Council / Kandos Bicentennial Museum), Wal Pilz (Individual Member)
                 Moved by Phil Stevenon that the apologies be accepted. 
                 Seconded: Bob Tomlinson

  • IMPROVING  COMMUNICATIONS  - The President reported that a problem still exists with communicating between the Societies and the Chapter executive when organizing events. He reported that 40 letters had been sent for the Notice of the Annual Meeting and apart from the executive representatives from Orange & Millthorpe and the hosts at Mudgee Historical Society, only two replies had been received by the end of April. The President reported that the past two events had been well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all participants. Due to the disappointing response for the Annual Meeting and Social Day, the President rang a number of Societies to see if they would be sending delegates. The President requested that the Secretary and President of each Society pay special attention to responding to our events and to fill in details about their Societies, such as Office Bearers, email addresses and other information. The President mentioned some other ideas on improving communication in receiving more email addresses from members and participating in a blog set up by Wal Pilz who has kindly offered to place details of Chapter activities on this blog. The blog can be found at rkdhistory.blogspot.com . Another site where information on the Chapter will be placed is www.centralnswmuseums.com.au

  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES  - from the AGM held on Saturday, 15th May 2010 at Millthorpe.Museum.

Moved by Elaine Kaldy that the printed minutes were an accurate record of the last Annual Meeting. Seconded: Pauline Bassingthwaite

The President presented the Fifth Annual Report for the Central Tablelands Chapter from May 2010 to May 2011. He reported that the past year remained an extremely challenging time for Office Bearers to keep the Chapter alive. He asked members to continue their valued support of the Chapter for the coming year.

The President reported on two successful Chapter events for the year. The first event was the Social Day and Annual Meeting on Saturday, 15th May 2010 at the Millthorpe Museum hosted by the Millthorpe and Orange Historical Societies. The main item on the Annual Meeting agenda was the decision on the future of the Central Tablelands Chapter. The 32 delegates from 10 Societies gave overwhelming support for the continuation of the Central Tablelands Chapter. Paul Bentley from Museums Australia NSW was invited as guest speaker, who spoke about the benefits of having an active Chapter operating on the Central Tablelands.

 After the election of the following Office Bearers -  (President)Trevor Pascoe   (Millthorpe), Vice-President – Phil Stevenson (Orange), Secretary – Sue Milne (Orange), Treasurer – Elizabeth Griffin (Orange), Chapter Coordinator – Samantha Friend (Bathurst), the meeting adjourned for a luncheon on the Pioneers Gallery Verandah at the Millthorpe Golden Memories Museum and an afternoon tour of the historic Byng Cornish Settlement conducted by Elizabeth Griffin.

The second event was a Project Day hosted by the Kandos Bicentennial Museum in August 2010. The workshop focussed on Museum Exhibition Development and was conducted by Colin Jones. It was a well attended workshop with 31 participants from 9 Societies.

The President reported that all members of the Central Tablelands Chapter were given free memberships for 2010, but from the 1st January, memberships fell due for 2011 at $35 for each Society and $5 for individual memberships.

Memberships had been received from 10 Historical Societies and three individual memberships. Although an encouraging support, there were many outstanding memberships. There are over 30 Museums on the Central Tablelands, but more encouragement is required to get their active involvement and attendance at events.

The President extended his thanks to the outgoing Committee with a special thanks to the Secretary, Sue Milne. He commended her efficiency in keeping meeting records, organizing events and maintaining membership lists since her election in 2007. He specially thanked the Treasurer, Elizabeth Griffin for her strong support of the Chapter since 2006, managing the finances from 2006 – 2011 and as Secretary in 2006. On behalf of the Chapter he thanked both Sue and Elizabeth for their interest and active involvement in the Chapter for the past 5 years. The President also extended his thanks to Vice President Phil Stevenson, for his positive support of the Chapter.

Samantha Friend was unable to attend the Annual Chapter Representatives Meeting in Sydney. Wal Pilz  represented the Central Tablelands Chapter at the NSW Museums Australia Symposium and Chapter Representatives Meeting at Macquarie University on the 18th and 19th April.

The President thanked members for their attendance and to the Mudgee Historical Society for hosting the Annual Meeting and Social Day. He concluded by encouraging all delegates to continue their support of the Chapter. He hoped that the Central Tablelands could create an active network meeting the needs of all its members.

Moved by Colin Jones for the acceptance of the President’s Report.
Seconded: Bob Tomlinson  

The Treasurer, Elizabeth Griffin presented the following Financial Report for the Chapter:

Balance to Central Banking 2009                                     $ 1,611.05
Less Cost of 2010 AGM                                                         185.75
            Balance                                                                                 1,425.30
            Memberships                                                                           365.00
            Balance                                                                                 1,790.30
            Kandos Workshop Colin Jones                                               200.00
            Hall Rent                                                                                   90.00
            Balance in Account                                                               1,500.30
            Outstanding Payment for stamps & ink                                   110.00
            Balance after payment                                                           1,390.30

            Moved by Margaret Hahn for the adoption of the Treasurer’s Report.
            Seconded: Noel Costello

Wal Pilz was the stand-in- delegate for the Chapter and presented a written report for his attendance at the Museums Australia (NSW) Symposium and Chapter Representative’s Meeting on the 18th & 19th April.

In his report he outlined the addresses given by keynote speakers at the Symposium – Professor Amareswar Galla who emphasized that Museums should represent a multicultural Australian Society. He mentioned that digital heritage should be kept for future generations. The other keynote speaker Alec Coles spoke about the need for improved standards of Museums and not just their collections.

Wal reported on the Chapters Representatives Meeting and the election of MANSW Office Bearers with Andrew Simpson elected as President. Other speakers at the Representatives Meeting were Tamara Hyde (Small grants), Paul Bentley (Branch and Branch Reports), Lee Scott (New tools for Chapters to manage their accounts), Laura Miles (National Standards & Accreditation scheme), Carly Todhunter (Collaborative Cataloguing) and Bill Storer (Action Plans for Museums)

Moved by Julie Sykes for the adoption of the Coordinator’s Report.
Seconded: Kristie Kearney

All positions were declared vacant. The President vacated the chair and Colin Jones was invited to act as presiding officer for the election of Office Bearers and the Setting of Fees for the next year.
Nomination for PRESIDENT                         Trevor Pascoe
By Margaret Hahn      Seconded: John Broadley                Unopposed        Carried

Nomination for VICE PRESIDENT             Elaine Kaldy
By Phil Stevenson         Seconded: Kristy Kearney            Unopposed        Carried

Nomination for SECRETARY                      John Broadley
By Trevor Pascoe          Seconded: Noel Costello               Unopposed        Carried

Nomination for TREASURER                      Phil Stevenson
By Elaine Kaldy            Seconded: Ivy Tomlinson              Unopposed       Carried

Self nominated Kristie Kearney   Seconded: Noel Costello  Unopposed      Carried

·      SETTING OF FEES FOR 2011 -2012
Moved by Bob Tomlinson that fees remain the same as last years at $35 per Society and $5 for individual membership
Seconded: Noel Costello                              Motion Carried

The newly elected President resumed the chair.

·      EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES FOR 2011 / 2012
·      Project Day - at Kandos in August / September – date to be confirmed. It will be conducted by the Regional Outreach Program from Powerhouse Museum on Collection Management / Accessioning / De-accessioning. Mid-Western Council will assist in the subsidizing the event.
·      AGM & Social Day - will be held at Carcoar in April or May 2012 – date to be confirmed. It will be hosted by the Carcoar Hospital Museum and the Carcoar & District Historical Society.
·      Future Workshops – A discussion was held on future workshops which would meet the needs of members and also gives the opportunity for the executive to apply for funding or employ a Museum professional. Some suggestions were – Paper Conservation, Oral History, Preserving Fabrics and Clothing, Digitalisation, Indigenous History / Artifacts. The meeting was asked to submit other suggestions and the members would be surveyed to see which workshop would best suit Chapter members.

Members from each Society were asked to present a brief report on their recent activities at their Museum. An interesting collection of reports was given from each attending Society indicating the hard work that each organization is putting into preserving the history of their area on the Central Tablelands.

The President closed the Annual Meeting at 3.20pm

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